Beautiful Life and Style

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My Christmas in Instagrams

Sorry for the blog hiatus- who knew the holiday season was so hectic?? My family had a wonderful Christmas- Nick and I hosted and it was holly jolly warm and cozy with an abundance of presents and family and FOOD. As much as I love Christmas- I’m almost glad its over because now I can go back to eating like a little rabbit- I’ve probably gained 20 pounds this December.

If you stalk me on instagram, you know what I’ve been up to- but for the rest of you- here’s a little glimpse into our celebrations. I promise to be back to “normal” blogging tomorrow!!

Lighting up the Tree

Lighting up the Tree

Create your own gingerbread man

Create your own gingerbread man station at a friend’s party

Brown Paper Packages

Brown Paper Packages tied up with string

Christmas Crackers

Christmas jokes

Christmas Feast

feast feast feast FEAST

Christmas Tulips

the cozy view from the couch

Boston Common Christmas

Merry Christmas from Boston!