Beautiful Life and Style


Pillow Negotiations

I think that I mentioned a little while back that we are currently freshening up our bedroom. I can’t even describe how bad it had become. And not in a dirty hoarders kind of way, but in the way that when you live in a one bedroom apartment, there aren’t too many places to store things. The living room is the room you have to keep nice for guests, and so the bedroom quickly becomes the overflow for “everything else” (think: the drum-set from RockBand). I’ve  been trying to break the habit and we have been getting rid of quite a bit lately so now that I can actually SEE the top of the dresser- the next step is to invest in some new grownup furniture. I don’t mean custom $10,000 side tables- but at least an upgrade from IKEA.

Problem is, while we aren’t polar opposites, we can’t seem to agree on what direction we want to go. We both love neutral bedding and carpeting but while I’d like to stick with light/ white furniture, Nick prefers the dark contrast. It shoudln’t be giving me so much stress- but once we commit there is no turning back! I”m only dealing with the service elevator/ furniture delivery woes ONE TIME.

The lighter version:

White and Mint Neutral BedroomWhite Neutral Bedroom

And now with darker furniture:

Dark Contrast BedroomNeutral Bedding Dark Furniture2Neutral Bedding Dark Furniture

Actually I am really drawn to the indigo hues in the last photo….maybe I’m thinking TOO neutral?

Either way I want your opinions! Which do you prefer? Or do you love the little bit of color? And please for my sake, don’t quote that scene from Devil Wears Prada where they fight over WHICH turquoise belt to use because they are SOOOOoooo different. Because its been running through my head on repeat and I”m wondering what kind of crazy person I’ve become that THIS is the biggest anxiety in my life…..



Inspiration from above….

Have you seen this month’s Veranda??? I stopped in my tracks when I saw the Atlanta home of Danielle Rollins- especially the bar:

Astrology inspired rooms

The room was inspired by the ceiling at Grand Central Station in NY and the family’s zodiacs are the ones painted on the ceiling. Its no surprise the designer, Miles Redd, felt inspired, I bump into at least 10 people every time I find myself at Grand Central because I’m looking up instead of in front of me. I know I look like the ultimate tourist, but I can’t help it- there is something so inspirational and awe inspiring about gazing at the stars…even if they are painted ones.

Astrology inspired rooms- grand central

A quick search around the internet, and it seems I’m not the only one to agree.  Neither Grand Central nor the Rollins house are the first with ceilings paying tribute to the constellations:

So the question of the day: do you embrace astrology??? For me, its more of a fun game than a way of life- but I know people who won’t get out of bed in the morning without consulting their horoscope. I’m an Aries: headstrong, independent and COMPETITIVE- although sometimes very gullible. Even if I don’t always agree with my horoscope, I DO love wearing red and buying trinkets with rams on them. If you are looking for a ways to mix astrology items in your life, and don’t exactly have the budget to redo an entire room in the house, you will be happy to see these zodiac themed items that are little more wallet friendly-Virgos and Taurus especially 😉

What's your Sign??


Rental Wallpaper

Living in an apartment can be challenging. Especially when you are combining the lives of two people- its a lot of stuff! I feel like no matter how much we purge and organize- things are still a mess. But I’m making it my goal to take on one room at a time this year- January was my closet. February/ March is the bedroom. and yes. It definitely needs two months instead of one. joking aside, I’ve been looking to pinterest for inspiration for simple things I can do that will have a BIG impact. One idea is to frame panels of fabric or wallpaper. I LOVE wallpaper but obviously can’t start plastering it on our white rental walls and this version is also much more affordable- AND can follow me to our next home! A few examples:

framed wallpaper3

framed wallpaper

framed wallpaper4

framed wallpaper2


framed wallpaper5

Isn’t it DIVINE??? I’m taking recommendations for a pattern!


The Winter Table

It feels odd calling today’s post “Winter” when it feels like straight up Spring today (hello 56 degrees!). But I know this unseasonable weather will be short lived and tomorrow Boston will be back to the ho-hum, 35 degree, foggy, murky mess that is January. And when the weather is at its worst, we need to try our hardest to infuse our days with some cheery freshness. What better than with a dinner party, and a beautiful green and white table? It has the feeling of Spring, but at the same time seems appropriate for winter. Examples:

Green White Table Setting6Green White Table Setting4 Green White Table Setting5 Green White Table Setting2 Green Gold Table Setting2 Green White Table Setting3Green Gold Table Setting

The green and white flowers are key- as are a layering of subtle textures using fancy china and textiles. I’m also loving the interjection of gold in the mix. Here is a quick table setting that I put together to capture the look. What do you think? Do you crave that fresh spring vibe during winter or is it too soon??

A Late Winter Dinner Party

Also if you are looking for some more place setting inspiration- I’ve started an entire board on pinterest called (appropriately) “Set the Table”.


Currently Loving: Botanical Prints

Maybe I’m just late to the party, but I keep spying amazing botanical/ animal prints EVERYWHERE.

It started with this image of Lee Radziwill’s Paris apartment. These botanical prints were a gift from the Duke of Beaufort and traveled with her allover the world to several different homes. Maybe because I’m a science nerd, or maybe because I love all things antique, but since I saw them, I’ve really fallen in love with the idea of having my own set of botanical prints.

Now I’m not a princess, and I don’t have a Duke gifting me prints from India, but I DO have quite good googling skills. Today I was so excited to purchase 8 beautiful prints for myself from this little shop on etsy. I can’t share a picture of them yet, but I’m already thinking about ways I can hang them. I went with lots of herbs and vegetables so I’m gravitating to hanging them in the kitchen, but it seems I could put them in any room in the house!

I’ll have to keep you all posted! Hope you are having a lovely week!