Beautiful Life and Style

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End of Summer Countdown

Can you believe there are only 2 more weeks until Labor Day?! I seriously make the worst kind of cringing face as I write this. I feel like yesterday was Memorial Day, I blinked and now all of a sudden the stores are full of sweaters and Back to School commercials started playing on TV…. I’m event starting to notice the change in the weather…. 😦 Summer is my favorite season so I am less than amused- there is still so much I want to do! Here is my quick list of things that MUST happen in the next two weeks!

1. Make Infused Vodka. There are so many fruits and veggies that only come around once a year- the smart kids know to preserve them for winter months, the geniuses know to make infused vodka:

2. Find the perfect Lobster Roll. I’ve been told Neptune Oyster is the gold standard, but then Island Creek Oyster just got named Best of Boston. In an ideal world- we’ll try both!

3. Spot a shark on the Cape. (from a safe distance thank you! I do NOT want to end up in a headline like this!)

4. Visit the Josiah Mcelheny Exhibit “Some pictures of the Infinite” at the ICA

5. Try Paddle-boarding. Nick has been begging me to do this and I’m starting to be very intrigued- there are a few places to do it on the Charles River although I’m worried about falling in the water! Would much prefer waters like these:

6. Get a perfect tan- although, I’ve been trying this for years and I STILL can’t get one- too white and pasty. Maybe its because I need this ridiculous swan float to lounge on? Yes. I think that’s definitely it.

7. Have a beach bonfire party. There is this amazing beach on the Cape with perfect west facing views- every time we go there is at least one family setting up a bonfire with a corresponding amazing spread of food and I am determined to make it happen ourselves!

As you can see, most are food related, so they shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish – right? I better get going (read: eating)!

What are on your end of summer lists? Anything I’m missing???

Sources: 1//2//3//4//5//6//7