Beautiful Life and Style

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Art Adventures on the Greenway

If there was one good thing to come out of the Big Dig in Boston, it was that all of the extra space once taken up by the elevated highways has now been turned into a beautiful park known as the Rose Kennedy Greenway. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, Nick and I took a trip there this past weekend to take in the new Os Gemeos Mural, and of course we also had time to enjoy the other public art installations. They are all definitely more subdue than the bold and colorful street art, but that doesn’t mean its not unique and creative! Here were a few of my favorites:

Boston has a great tradition of putting aside land for public parks. This started back in the 19th century with “the Emerald Necklace” and continues today in the creation of the greenway. Parks are so important for the city- they infuse the otherwise busy urban area with a healthy freshness for residents to enjoy- a health benefit. Parks also bring together so many different people from different backgrounds in the same place- an economic benefit. And of course they are filled with beautiful plantings and sculpture that inspire and educate its visitors- an artistic benefit. I hope we continue to fund and appreciate their importance. As a city dweller- the parks are so important for our sanity!