Beautiful Life and Style

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Keeping Warm and Cozy on a Cold Winter Day

It is still FREEZING here in Boston. It seriously makes everything more difficult- walking to work, getting dinner, even the idea of getting out of bed in the morning (I can say I have been doing horribly with my New Year’s Resolution). Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just skip work and cozy up under a blanket with a good book and tea?? I think Jessa from Girls says it best: “You know what the weirdest part about having a job is? You have to be there everyday, even on the days you don’t feel like it.” (ps I hope you all watch Girls– except you Mom- you would hate it)

Here are some things I put together for an ideal day out of the cold:

Keeping Warm

1. The coziest J.Crew flannel pajamas – added bonus that they are currently on sale!

2. Before the Broadway show and the blockbuster movie- Les Miserables was a book by Victor Hugo, and I have always wanted to read it!

3. You can’t have a cozy day indoors without a warm throw blanket. I’m swooning over the classic herringbone pattern here.

4. Can I just say how obsessed I am with Hermes china?? Drinking tea out of these cups would be all the more elegant.

5. Our tiny apartment lacks a fireplace- but the amazing Diptyque Feu De Bois Candle  is almost as good as the real thing.

6. Bellocq tea- the indisputable BEST. My favorite is No.35 (Earl Grey) but I might have to change it up and try this No. 36, Darjeeling 2nd Flush.